philips everflo oxygen concentrator

Oxygen Concentrator

Philips Respironics and Yuwell Oxygen concentrator in 5 And 10 liter machines price starts from 65,000/=

bipap machine

Bipap machine

Resmed, Philips Respironics, BMC and ventmed brands available models: S,ST,AVAPS price starts from 35,000/=

philips dreamstation cpap

Cpap machine

Resmed, Philips Respironics, BMC and ventmed brands available models: Simple,auto price starts from 25,000/=

resmed airsense 11

We Provide different Pulmonary Equipment like Oxygen Cylinder Oxygen Concentrator BiPAP CPAP, Oxygen Therapy, Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (BiPAP AND CPAP), Mask (Invasive & Non-Invasive/Respiratory), Sleep diagnostic & Sleep therapy and also we provide other Pulmonary Accessories at affordable prices in Pakistan.

We provide Pulmonary equipment on a Rental & Sale basis. Our Aim is to provide quality healthcare services To our Pataints especially in the respiratory field at very affordable prices in Pakistan. Our clients are Private Patients, Clinics, Hospitals, & different healthcare centers

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0305-2568444 | 021-32780077

About Us

Raza Corporation is a Home Health Care Service Provider In Pakistan

Raza Corporation is a supplier of pulmonary equipment with the aim of providing high quality home health care services at an affordable price in All over Pakistan.

 Medical service offered by Raza Corporation in the comfort of your own home. health care assistants equipped with Oxygen cylinder Oxygen Concentrator BiPAP CPAP medical equipment can come to you to provide care that meets individual patient needs.

Home Health Care Service can be considered for people who have a illness or breathing issue, are elderly, are living with a disease, they have special needs, are stick to their beds or need care.

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